Do you have used audio gear you want sold? Simply send me what you've got. I do my magic to get it sold really fast and you get 50% of the actual selling price. I pay all listing fees, packing materials, and advertising costs out of my share.
In some cases with large or heavy products, you can simply email me pictures and condition details. I will then find a buyer to whom you can ship to directly. Of course, the buyer pays the shipping costs.
To get the ball rolling, email me with you you have.
Let me know what you have to trade in, and what the product is that you would like to buy. I will give you a trade-in quote.
3% order cancellation fee as I still have to pay the credit card fees which are not refundable.
You can save 3% from the online prices if you send me a check, Zelle, or similar! Email or call me to discuss.